Percentage Difference Calculator
Percentage difference = 66.6667%
Lets assume the percentage difference is P.
Formula given, P = First value - Second value/First value + Second value/2 × 100
Or, P = 5 - 10/5 + 10/2 × 100
Or, P = -5/15/2 × 100
Or, P = -5/7.5 × 100
Or, P = | -0.6666666666666666 | × 100
Or, P = 0.6666666666666666 × 100
So, P = 66.6667%
Percentage Difference Formula
Percentage Difference = First value - Second value/First value + Second value/2 × 100
Percentage difference formula is used to find the difference in value between two given numbers, denoted on percentage.
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Percent difference helps to find the accurate difference between two given values. If two numbers belong to the same category then we can compute the absolute value of the ratio of their difference by multiplying their average by 100.
How to calculate Percentage Difference with Formula?
If you want to find the percentage difference between ‘a’ and ‘b’, here’s how to do it:
Percentage difference = { (a-b) / [ (a + b) / 2 ] x 100 }
This percentage difference formula is extremely useful to calculate the increase or decrease in percentage values of any two given quantities. In the above formula, ‘a’ represents the initial or original value while ‘b’ denotes the changed (increased or decreased) value.
Here’s a step-wise breakdown of percentage difference formula:
- Identify values of ‘a’ and ‘b’
- Find difference in value between ‘a’ and ‘b’
- Find average of the two values with ‘(a + b) / 2’ formula
- Calculate percentage difference by ‘ ( Difference / Average ) x 100%’